Back to School
Blogspot officially sucks. I had a whole post typed up and was about to spellcheck when it erased everything. Serves me right for typing directly in the online editor.
Classes are started again, and I'm actually looking forward to it. This is my last semester and I'm only taking two classes, which will really nice actually getting to relax a little. I'll still be working 3 days a week, but that's also a big step down from 5. I might even have time to play computer games again. :)
The classes I'm taking are Computer Imaging, and Advanced Computer Game Design. Since I only need 2 elective credits, I thought I'd take classes that would actually be fun (and less work.) I had my first Imaging class already, and the professor seems pretty cool. He's probably only 4 or 5 years older than I am, and just finished working at a 3d studio that did the animation for The Ant Bully and Jimmy Neutron. We'll be doing a bunch of Photoshop stuff, and depending on how much time I actually spend doing the homework I may or may not post some of it on here.
I recently ran across some of the best flash animations I've seen. Check out especially the littleFoot movie. Makes me wish I had some artistic ability.