Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Kitten Concessions

This weekend wasn't great, but a lot is going on, so I'm keeping busy. I've had a lot of homework, and I'm learning from it, so I guess that's good. How come things that are good for you are almost never enjoyable? My mom had some things she needed to take care of in Texas, so she drove down and is staying here the next few days. It's good for my sister too, since she has another set of tests tomorrow and Mom will be able to go with her.

Kira's been bugging me to let her get a cat pretty much since we moved in. I'm not so fond of the idea; hair everywhere, scratched up furniture, and an overflowing kitty litter box aren't really what I want to add to an apartment. Plus I'm kinda allergic. I really do like cats, and they can be a lot of fun, but I don't particularly want to live with one right now. Nevertheless, with everything going on, I finally caved, and my sister and I picked up Oliver on Sunday.

He's a really sweet kitten, and has great temperament. Kira had taken care of him at the vet's clinic, and it was a 'now or never' issue of adopting him (he was going back to a pet store, not being put down) and I wasn't able to say never. Officially, it's a one week trial period to see if he stays, but I'm not sure after I could part him from my sister afterward. Worst case, I shut myself in my room and don't let him in, and hope anyone with allergies who comes over doesn't mind hanging out in there with me. So far I haven't really noticed much allergy wise, but I've also had a stuffy nose and cough the last few days anyway. He's got shorter hair, and my sister got a special shampoo for him that should prevent his causing reactions, so hopefully it won't be bad.

He is cute, and playful, which is a nice change from the cats my family had before. He's not all that clever though. If you move something a little too fast and it goes out of his range of vision, he seems to think it's just disappeared. He'll sit and stare at the ground where it was before, expecting it to come back. I also saw him get freaked out by his reflection in the mirror, and he started growling and batting at it. He also doesn't quite realize that sneaking up on someone doesn't really work if they're staring at him the whole time. I guess having him around won't be so bad. So long as he quits trying to sit on my laptop.


At 11/15/2005 4:35 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Just put the computer on him.....that's what I did with the fat cat.


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