Life? Don't talk to me about life..
This last week, for the most part, has been insanely busy.
The break I talked about earlier... yeah, it wasn't a break, it was just time I should have spent working on bigger projects but didn't. In the last 4 days I've spent 15 hours at work and at least 24 hours on homework and projects. I have another project due tomorrow night too, not to mention another test for the 3rd day in a row. Worst of all: I've had absolutely no desire to do anything school related for the past 3 weeks or so. That might be why things are as hectic right now as they are, but I think I've earned at least a little bit of complaining time.
It's amazing what you can do when you're procrastinating though. I managed to go by the bank, do some errands, wash my laundry, and have a pretty long (several hour) conversation with my sister yesterday. Things haven't been all bad either. I had a really good time Friday night with friends over at Sean's, and Jonathan came by Sunday evening which was nice, even though we were studying. This weekend I'm off to Dave's grandparents' farm, which should be fun, or manual labor, or both. It'll be a nice break from the constant load of things to do I've got right now. Speaking of which, I really should be working on more homework right now, or studying for my test, or folding my laundry, or cleaning my room, or doing the dishes, or...
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