Sunday, August 07, 2005

Another whining post

"The world isn't fair, Calvin."
"I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in my favor?"
-Calvin and Hobbes

That's kind of how I feel right now. :-( I'm still going through a bit of a rough patch, and whenever something seems to start getting better, something else starts right up. Maybe I'm not trusting God enough. Maybe things really will get better and I'll see how everything was necessary for something else to happen. Maybe I just complain too much. Whatever it is, I'm not enjoying it, and I don't know how to fix it. I guess I really do need to trust God rather than keep trying to handle it all on my own.

I some ways, I'd like school to start and get back into the regular pattern of things, but I'm really not looking forward to having homework assignments again. I'm somewhat worried about the grad class I'll be taking, since I think even the undergrad version would be hard. The professor is good, but I'm still not sure what to expect. I've also got a few things I need to take care of paperwork wise, and I've been too lazy to put the hours into it. I suppose I should be doing that right now, but I'm in a bad mood and would rather mope.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

For all the would-be evil geniuses

And now, as a special service for those planning galactic domination for whom a giant space laser isn't enough, How to Destroy the Earth. It's a little boring in parts and definitely very nerdy, but an interesting find nonetheless.

In other news, my Mom, brother, and sister are visiting this week. It's nice to see them, but I'm working most of the time and there isn't a whole lot for them to do while they're here. My one bedroom apartment also isn't designed for 5 people and 2 cats, so it's a little crowded. I'm sure I'll spend a fair bit of time with them, but I hope they don't mind if I hang out with friends a bit while they're here too (they're staying about a week and a half.)

I finally got a mouse for my laptop. It's wireless and feels about the right size. I'd like it a lot, except it doesn't work. The range is limited to about 8 inches, effectively defeating the purpose of having a wireless mouse. Fortunately, despite what people say Microsoft is a pretty cool company and is sending me a replacement for free. It just means I have to wait a little longer before I can use it.